Wednesday, March 21, 2012

That Was Then, This Is Now:S.E. Hinton

That Was Then, This Is Now-S.E. Hinton


 This book screamed characters in raw form. A book laced with the idea that it’s about nothing and yet so coated with truth and emotion. A book showing a raw portrayal of life, without the need for any extensive foul language. A  pictured painted by a person who understood the era better than one writing of the 70’s could have  now a days without being in  it.  It truly shows how the rush of life and emotion can act against you in some years while sparing you in the previous ones. I enjoyed how you felt as though the main character was telling you a story from 30   years ago without that being written in the script.  It felt like a story from a grandfather that is completely entertaining, though you can’t figure out how or why he is even telling you it. All you know, is you will never forget it, and you only understand the meaning until your old and recollecting your past.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares: Rachel Cohn, David Levithan

Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares- Rachel Cohn, David Levithan


To begin, the authors ability to understand the need for two authors writing in first person for each of the characters is brilliant and allows the characters to not seem on e big blur as it would have if the characters first person chapters were written by the same person.  Two voices completely differentiated and yet intersected just as a love story should be. The concept of the red notebook is brilliant aswell. I almost want to plant one at my local book store.

It was not a suspenseful story. No wow moments, though a few that made you a little irritated for the certain characters ignorance because you know something they don’t.  a good read though not my favorite. If you gave me two options at to whether I would read I Never Loved Your Mind by Paul Zindel or   this book I would choose the former.  Whilst this book had its very kooky and extremely funny moments I have read better. I recommend it, I don’t love it and probably will never read it again. Though not to say I don’t want to have it hard copy on my bookshelf.

Also, props to the cover artist. The book cover truly gives you the sense of the book and its meaning.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Host: Stephanie Meyer

The Host- Stephanie Meyer


This book is the more complex of a love triangle. It is more of a love four angle. Four people all loving in connected patterns. If you are a female such as me you will find some of the scenes to touch you dramatically. You become attached to the characters feelings. You feel the characters love admiration and hatred even. And then you have the main character. One of which you never get bored with or irritated with because there is sort of two of them. Though not quite. I absolutely love ‘new environmental’ books. Submersing you in another sort of community than you are used to. New trials and concerns. A new concept often is unattainable. I must admit that Meyer is not as well noted for this book as she should be. The Twilight Series of which I have not read seem that they would pale in comparison to this heart fluttering, funny in some moments, and internally challenging  story.
The reader feels connected as to want to way in on the decisions that the main character Wanderer makes. You want to tell Ian how awesome and sort of in love with him you are. Tell Jared to go fall down a well, and then tell him never mind, maybe your loved to. You feel torn when reading this book as to who you love the most just as the main character. Stephanie Meyer should be noted for this book more exponentially. The movie will be interesting to view. I fear they may leave some things out that are important to the story due to time limitations. It is such a long book. I am proud to say I have read it in all 5 times. It still carries me on the same journey I took the first time I read it. That is the mark of the good book. The goodness is not defeated by the reader’s knowledge of the events to come.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Feed-M.T. Anderson

Feed: M.T. Anderson

On I found this comment on the book.

 “I brought this along with me on vacation, thinking it would be a fun, distracting entertainment. I completely underestimated it. FEED is fun and entertaining, but it is a whole lot more as well. Inventive, intelligent, fearless, provocative, and darkly humorous. It's a thoughtful and brilliant satire that puts most of the dystrophic YA novels coming out these days to shame. The voice is dead-on and the author's ear for dialogue is impeccable. Looking forward to reading more of M.T. Anderson's work.”

- Panio Gianopoulos (goodreads member)

 I agree. I really enjoyed this book. The moment I was feeling like stopping and going to sleep it picked up with Violet and that whole situation. I’m glad that I read it and it really is sort of a warning. The language I must say aside from the slang words was difficult. The sent acts and the arrangement of words kind of stumped me a bit. I’m used to more fluent writers, who don’t use the word ‘like’ all the time. I understand it was to give the characters a unique voice of the future and it worked in bringing that out.
However, it was difficult for me to be on the same wave length with the main character. When Violet spoke I was able to read easier. It’s how I talk more so. And I must add that the satire of the book was amazing and that the fact that we never learned Titus’s little brothers real name is awesome. Smell Factor is all the reader knows him by. I like that the author didn’t feel the need to tell us for our own closure about it. For those people who have to know everything about every character this book would not be good to read. This author has a great vision of the future and has done a brilliant job of showing us in detail what it could be like. Every detail was thought of, that’s what I love.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Death Cure-James Dashner

The Death Cure (Maze Runner Book 3): James Dashner

SO GOOD!!!!!! It did the rest of the series justice. In a couple moments in the book it talked about hw only about a month had gone by. It’s amazing the substance these books have. i love how in each book there was new scenery. You have the green of the maze, the dust of the scorch, and the snow of Denver. it was beautifully thought out and AMAMZING! I almost had my heart stop when certain things concerning lives occurred. Let’s just say I could not have handled it if Minho died to. i would have probably cried. I love these characters and for some reason I thought about what Thomas's abs would look like after all that. Those would be some in shape teenagers. I also thought about how i would love to be fighting along with them. I think i would be good at kicking some but. GREAT SERIES, CANT WAIT UNTIL I READ THE KILL ORDER!